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Public Interest

Immigration Law Society holds fundraiser for asylum seekers charity

Emory University School of Law |

Emory Law’s Immigration Law Society and Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen and Loewy, LLP, will host a reception and screening of the documentary “Rain in a Dry Land,” as a fundraiser for the Georgia Asylum and Immigration Network.

The event begins at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 19, in Emory Law’s Tull Auditorium.

The film will be preceded by a reception and talk by William E. Hoffmann Jr., the network’s senior counsel. GAIN is a nonprofit organization that provides pro bono representation for asylum seekers and immigrants who are victims of domestic violence and human trafficking.

Suggested donations are $15 for non-students and $5 for students. Non-students may purchase in advance for $13. The reception includes beer, wine and light refreshments. For tickets, contact Maura Finn of GAIN at

Co-sponsors for the event are the Emory Public Interest Committee, Black Law Students Association, Latin American Law Students Association, Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project, and the International Law Society.

Related Links

Georgia Asylum and Immigration Network »

Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen and Loewy, LLP »

Visit the Immigration Law Society’s facebook page »
