Dorothy Brown named AALS Clyde Ferguson Award winner

Co-recipient of the 2018 Clyde Ferguson Award
Dorothy Brown, professor of law, has been named a co-recipient of the 2018 Clyde Ferguson Award by the Executive Committee of the Association of American Law Schools Section on Minority Groups. The selection committee cited her part, along with her co-recipient Professor Guy Charles (Duke Law), in helping to create and build the Jerome Culp Colloquium, which provides aspiring law professors with crucial guidance and mentorship at all stages of the appointments process and throughout the initial stages of their careers as they prepare for the tenure review.
Brown is a nationally recognized scholar in tax policy, race, and class and has published extensively on the racial implications of federal tax policy. She is highly sought for her expertise in workplace inclusion issues, a respected speaker in the legal community, and a regularly engaged expert by media including Bloomberg, CNN, National Public Radio, The New York Times, National Law Journal, and Forbes.
She is the author of Federal Income Taxation: Cases, Problems, and Materials (Thomson West; Sixth Edition 2016) (with Joel S. Newman) and Critical Race Theory: Cases, Materials and Problems (Thomson West 2003; second edition 2007; third edition 2014). She has a new book in the works that will explore her area of expertise, elucidating the connection between race and federal taxation.
Brown will receive the award at the section’s annual lunch, which will be held as part of the AALS annual meeting, in San Diego on Friday, January 5, 2018.