Michael Kang piece named best election law paper of 2017
The AALS Section on Election Law has selected “Gerrymandering and the Constitutional Norm Against Government Partisanship” by Michael S. Kang, Thomas Simmons Professor of Law and associated faculty, political science department, as the Best Election Law Paper of 2017.
Michael S. Kang is a nationally recognized expert on campaign finance, voting rights, redistricting, judicial elections, shareholder voting, and corporate governance. Kang’s work has been published widely in leading law journals, including the Yale Law Journal, NYU Law Review, and Stanford Law Review, and has been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, and Forbes, among others. His recent research focuses on partisan gerrymandering; the influence of party and campaign finance on elected judges; the de-regulation of campaign finance after Citizens United; and so-called “sore loser laws” that restrict losing primary candidates from running in the general election.
Kang will receive the award as part of the AALS annual meeting, in San Diego on Thursday, January 4, 2018.