A Global Hub for Education & Research
You can access leading legal scholars in policy and research, attend in-depth seminars and conferences/symposia by renowned experts, and learn from respected practitioners. Emory Law's academic centers and interdisciplinary programs serve as hubs for scholarship and education to global communities both inside and outside of Emory Law.
Interdisciplinary Programs
Education in Action
A professor of practice and director of the TI:GER program (Technological Innovation: Generating Economic Results), Nicole Morris recently fostered a partnership with Emory Law students and the National Nuclear Security Administration.

Learn the foundational skills, judgment, and values necessary to engage in the practice of law.
More about Clinics
Step outside the classroom and learn to practice law from experienced attorneys.
More about Externships
Pro Bono Opportunities
Serve your community by sharing your skills with people of limited means and nonprofit organizations.
More about Pro Bono Opportunities