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(as of September 3, 2024)


Make-Up Exams: There are no designated make-up days this semester. Students with conflicts or other scheduling needs will take the exam during the next available exam slot. Only exams identified as a conflict in accordance with the conflict policy found in the Student Handbook will be rescheduled. The Registrar’s Office will be in touch with those students at the beginning of April.

Please Note: schedule and room assignments are subject to change.


Religious Holidays: If exam schedules conflict with a religious holiday, students should email to request adjustment to their exam schedules.

Illness: If you are ill enough on the day of an exam that you cannot take an exam or you need medical assistance, get medical attention and email before the exam(s) at issue as soon as you are able. You will be required to provide documentation from a treatment provider in order to have your exam rescheduled to a make-up day. See more information on reporting illness below.

EBB Training Guide: As a reminder, be sure to review the training guide and information below well before the start of exams. By taking the time to do that now, you will be better prepared to take your exams and can avoid possible issues during an exam.

Accessing EBB student portal, EBB Exam Software, Take-Home exams, and Exam numbers

EBB Training Guide - Recommended to view and print before you start any exam as a guide.

How To Install EBB - Recommended to view and print before you installing or updating EBB.

EBB Frequently Asked Questions

Accessing EBB Student Portal

  1. In your browser go to
  2. User Name: this is your student NetID.
  3. Password: this is your login password for OPUS.
  4. Click the “Remember Me” box
  5. Click “sign in”

*If you do not know your full email and/or student ID number, go to OPUS >Profile tile>Email and Phone Numbers (ID number is in top left corner)

In-class exam mode (Options D & E)

Download the new version of EBB SOFTWARE (top right box in your EBB Student Portal) well in advance of your first exam.

  • If you have an old version of EBB (from a previous semester) you must first delete the software from your computer BEFORE downloading the new version.
  • Follow the instructions for downloading for MAC or PC.
  • If you are having difficulty loading the software, please email as soon as possible. Waiting until the day of may result in you having to hand write your exam.
  • Be sure that you have enough memory on your device to download the software AND take multiple exams. (If you are not sure, please check with IT or email 

Once you are logged in, select the exam you are sitting for, the other information will auto-populate. If your exam has multiple choice, verify that the number of multiple choice questions is listed properly on the EBB login screen.

DO NOT SHUT YOUR LAPTOP during the exam as this will cause your exam to time-out. You can click on the HIDE button located within the software to disguise your screen.

Once you are finished and have submitted the exam, you will receive a green screen indicating the exam was uploaded.

  • If the system crashes during the exam and does not restart, send an email to, and we will recover the data prior to the system crashing.
  • If you get a yellow screen, you may try to submit your exam again by following the prompts on the screen. If that does not work, send an email to

Take-home exam modes (Options A, B & C)

  1. Log into the EBB Student Portal.
  2. Identify your exam number in the bottom left corner and make note of it – write it down or print the screen.
  3. Click on the take-home exam you are to take that day.
  4. Access the exam questions (you will either get a pop-up window or the file will be viewable as a download file) to start the time. You will need to verify for each exam how much time you have to complete the exam once it is downloaded.
    • Your essay answers will need to be saved in a MS Word or PDF document and uploaded. NO OTHER FILES TYPES ARE SUPPORTED.*
    • Click browse to locate your file and submit exam. Do not use your name in the document or the file name.
    • If there are multiple choice or true false questions, there will be a link to access an electronic scantron, if using Take Home Options B or C. When completed, click the “Finalize Multiple Choice”.
  • You do not need to be on campus to use the EBB take-home exam.
  • Be sure that you have enough memory on your device to type and save multiple exam files.

*Remember to SAVE your work on a regular basis if using Word to complete your essay answer(s) in any of the Take Home exam options, as your hard drive is the only place your work will be accessible prior to submitting your answers through EBB.

Reporting an Illness/Emergency

If you are ill enough on the day of an exam that you cannot take an exam or you need medical assistance, get medical attention and email before the exam(s) at issue as soon as you are able. You will be required to provide documentation from a treatment provider in order to have your exam rescheduled to a make-up day. If you are otherwise unable to complete your exams within the scheduled time frame for a health-related reason, email and Dean Brokaw will review your situation. Once you have started an exam, you must complete it or turn in the work you have done as your final submission.

Exams that are self-scheduled do not create conflicts; therefore, only exams that have been rescheduled by Dean Brokaw due to illness, or identified as a same-day conflict by the registrar's office, will be scheduled for the make-up days during the exam period.

IT/Technical Assistance

For EXAM related technical (EBB) questions/issues send an email to Do not send exam emails to the regular law registrar email or to individuals in the registrar's office.

Exam support will be available Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Remember to SAVE your work on a regular basis if using Word to complete your essay answer(s) in any of the Take Home exam options, as your hard drive is the only place your work will be accessible prior to submitting your answers through EBB.

Professional Conduct Code Issues

Confidentiality of Exam Contents: Discussing the content of any exam with someone who has not yet taken that exam (even seemingly informal comments such as that was harder than I ever imagined or no surprises there) may constitute the provision of unauthorized assistance and violate the Professional Conduct Code. This includes posts on Facebook or other social media.

For exams that use the take home format, exams will be unblocked: However, your individual professors may choose to limit what you can use for the exam, and you will be bound by the Professional Conduct Code to follow their specific instructions and restrictions. 

Ending Exams On Time: Failure to submit each exam by the established time limit constitutes a violation of the Professional Conduct Code, if you have not been excused by Dean Brokaw. Professors have the right to award a failing grade in such an instance, apart from any Conduct Code process.


For EXAM related technical (EBB) questions/issues send an email to Do not send exam emails to the regular law registrar email or to individuals in the office.