Books (co-edited and co-authored)
Health Care Law and Ethics (plus Teachers' Manual, with Mark Hall, David Orentlicher, Nicholas Bagley & I. Glenn Cohen) (9th ed., Wolters Kluwer 2018). Related publication: Bobinski, Orentlicher, Cohen & Hall, Bioethics and Public Health Law (4th ed. Wolters Kluwer 2018).
Health Care Law and Ethics (plus Teachers' Manual, with Mark Hall, and David Orentlicher) (8th ed., Aspen Publishing 2013).
Health Care Law and Ethics (plus Teachers' Manual, with Mark Hall, and David Orentlicher) (7th ed., Aspen Publishing 2007).
Health Care Law and Ethics (plus Teachers' Manual, with Mark Hall, and David Orentlicher) (6th ed., Aspen Publishing 2003).
HIV Law & Policy (plus Teachers' Manual, with William Adams, Michael Closen, Robert Jarvis, and Arthur Leonard) (Carolina Academic Press 2002).
Medical Ethics: Analysis of the Issues Raised by the Codes, Opinions, and Statements (coeditor and coauthor, with Mark Rothstein, Baruch Brody, and Lawrence McCullough)(BNA Press, Volume 2) (2001).
Medical Ethics: Codes, Opinions, and Statements (coeditor and coauthor, with Mark Rothstein, Baruch Brody, and Lawrence McCullough) (BNA Press, Volume 1) (2000).
Health Care Law and Ethics (plus Teachers' Manual, with Mark Hall, and David Orentlicher)( 5th ed., Aspen Publishing 1998).
AIDS: Cases and Materials (plus Teachers’ Manual, with Closen, Hermann, Isaacman, Jarvis, Leonard, Rivera, Schultz and Wojcik) (2d ed., John Marshall Press 1995).
Articles and Book Chapter
HIV and Public Health in Public Health Law & Policy in Canada (Tess Sheldon, Jacob Shelley, Tracey Bailey, 4th ed. expected 2019).
HIV and Public Health in Public Health Law & Policy in Canada (Tracy M. Bailey, Timothy Caulfield, & Nola Reis, eds., 3rd ed. 2013, 2nd ed. 2008, 1st ed. 2005).
Legal Issues in Hospital Infection Control, in Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control (C. Glenn Mayhall, ed.)(Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; revised 4th ed. 2010; 3rd ed. 2004; 2nd edition 1999; 1st edition, 1995).
"Healthcare Associated Hepatitis B & C Viruses: Legal Aspects", 14 Clinics in Liver Diseases 105-117 (2010).
"The Health Insurance Debate in Canada: Lessons for the U.S.?", 14 Connecticut Insurance Law J. 341-75 (2007/08) (published 2009).
"Health Disparities and the Law: Wrongs in Search of a Right", 29 Amer. J. L. & Med. 363 (2003).
"Women, Poverty, Access to Health Care, and the Perils of Symbolic Reform", 5 J. Gender Race & Justice 233 (2002)(with Phyllis Griffin Epps).
"Genetic Information, Legal, ERISA Preemption, and HIPAA Protection", in The Encyclopedia of Ethical, Legal, and Policy Issues in Biotechnology (Thomas H. Murray, et al., editors, John Wiley & Sons) (2000).
"Patients and Providers in the Courts: Fractures in the Americans with Disabilities Act", 61 Albany L. Rev. 785 (1998)(invited contribution to symposium issue).
"Genetics and Reproductive Decision Making", The Human Genome Project and the Future of Health Care (Thomas H. Murray, Mark Rothstein, and Robert F. Murray, Jr., eds.)(Indiana University Press 1996).
"Autonomy and Privacy: Protecting Patients from Their Physicians", 51 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 291-388 (1994).
"Women and HIV: A Gender-Based Analysis of a Disease and Its Legal Regulation", 3 Texas J. Women & the Law 7-56 (1994) (invited symposium article).
"HIV Testing and Confidentiality", in Liability of State and Local Governments Based on AIDS Related Issues 7-43 (Brenda Strama, ed.)(Chicago: American Bar Association Press, 1993) (book chapter, with William LeMaistre).
"Risk and Rationality: The Centers for Disease Control and the Regulation of HIV-Infected Health Care Workers", 36 St. Louis U. L. J. 213-307 (1992).
"Unhealthy Federalism: Barriers to Increasing Health Care Access for the Uninsured", 24 University of California (Davis) L. Rev. 255-348 (1990).
Interdisciplinary Articles
Howard F, Hasan H, Bobinski MA, Nurcombe W, Olson R, Parkinson M, Goddard K. Parents’ Perspectives of Life Challenges Experienced by Long-Term Paediatric Brain Tumour Survivors: Work and Finances, Daily and Social Functioning, and Legal Difficulties. J. CANCER SURVIV. 2014; 8(3):372-83.
Olson R, Caon J, Tyldesley S, Bergman A, Bobinski M A, Fong M, Vellani R, Goddard K. National survey of health care providers’ views on the risk of inadvertent exposure of pregnant patients to ionizing radiation in Canadian radiotherapy departments. J RADIAT ONCOL 2012; 1(1): 81-5.
Olson, RA, Bobinski, MA, Ho, A, Goddard, KJ. Oncologists’ View of Informed Consent and Shared Decision Making in Paediatric Radiation Oncology, RADIOTHER ONCOL 2012; 102(2):210-13
Caon J, Olson R, Tyldesley S, Bergman A, Bobinski M, Fong M, Ma V, Vellani R, Goddard K. Assessing the risk of inadvertent radiation exposure of pregnant patients during radiation therapy planning and treatment in British Columbia. PRACTICAL RADIATION ONCOLOGY 2012; 2(3):179-85.Olson, RA, Hung, G, Bobinski, MA, Goddard, K Prospective Evaluation of Legal Difficulties and Quality of Life in Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer, PEDIATR BLOOD CANCER 2011; 56(3):439-43.