Areas of Expertise
EU law; International and Comparative Law; Comparative Civil Justice and Civil Procedure; Comparative Product liability Law; Comparative Consumer Law; Access to Justice and ADR; Polish law
EU Law I, EU Law II, International Law, International Business Transactions, Comparative Law
Dr. Tulibacka’s academic career focuses on teaching and researching European, international and comparative law and policy. Tulibacka holds a PhD in Law (2004, Westminster University, London) and a Magister Iuris degree in Polish Law (1998, University of Nicolas Copernicus, Toruń, Poland). After completing her PhD studies in London, she started a post-doc at the University of Oxford's Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and later became research fellow at the Centre and a member of the University of Oxford’s Congregation. She continues to work with the Centre and is currently programme affiliate of the Swiss Re/CMS Research Programme on civil justice systems there.
Tulibacka taught:
- EU law,
- International human rights law,
- European and comparative product liability law,
- European, international and comparative consumer law,
- European, international and comparative access to justice,
- ADR, and
- business law
at the University of Oxford, the University of Westminster, the Warsaw and Cracow Universities in Poland, the Academy of European Law in Trier, and other academic institutions. She wrote, co-wrote and edited a number of books on comparative product liability law, global class actions, comparative costs of litigation, and Polish tort law. Her other academic publications cover EU law, EU consumer law, EU product liability law, Polish consumer and contract law, harmonization of civil procedures by the EU, and ADR. She participated in pan-European and global comparative research projects, spoke at international legal and corporate conferences, trained European civil servants, advised the European Parliament and European Commission on civil procedure, consumer law and collective redress, and advised multi-national corporations on European Union law and policy.
As a Polish law expert, she was a member of several groups of scholars working on foundations for harmonized EU law: the Common Core group (product liability law), the University of Bielefeld Consumer Acquis Study, and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law Unfair Commercial Practices Study. She was a member of the Comparative Law Committee of the Civil Justice Council (advisory body to UK Ministry of Justice), and a member of the advisory panel of UK Government’s Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (review of English consumer law). Currently she is participating in the Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law Luxembourg project on Comparative Procedure Law and Justice.