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Regulatory Law

Taming Cryptocurrency’s Secondary Market

Kristin N. Johnson
 Professor Johnson joined Emory as Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Law in 2021; she was previously McGlinchey Stafford Professor of Law at Tulane University Law School. She is an internationally recognized expert on financial markets regulation and corporate governance, compliance, and risk management. Her scholarship explores regulation and private ordering of capital and credit markets. She examines the implications of emerging technologies that enable the creation of digital assets and intermediaries, and also, artificial intelligence technologies that target financial transactions, transfers, and assessments. Her research has been published by numerous prominent law journals and she has presented at the nation’s leading law schools. Johnson testified before the US House Financial Services Committee Task Force on Artificial Intelligence in 2019. Her forthcoming book on artificial intelligence and the law (with Carla Reyes) is scheduled to be published by Cambridge University Press in 2022. She is an elected member of the American Law Institute and an American Bar Association Fellow. She was assistant general counsel and vice president at JP Morgan and an associate at Simpson, Thacher, and Bartlett LLP. She clerked for the Hon. Joseph A. Greenaway Jr., then of the US District Court for the District of New Jersey.

Select Publications

The Implications of Artificial Intelligence for a Just Society, Journal of International and Comparative Law (forthcoming 2021)

The Disparate Impact of Digital Surveillance, 101 Boston University Law Review (forthcoming 2021) (with Daiquiri Steele)

Disintermediation and Decentralization in Financial Markets, The Regulatory Review, Penn Program on Regulation, University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School (2021)

Decentralized Finance: Regulating Cryptocurrency Exchanges, 62 William & Mary Law Review 1911 (2021)

Regulating Cryptocurrency Secondary Market Trading Platforms, University of Chicago Law Review Online (2020)

Automating the Risk of Bias, 87 George Washington University Law Review 1214 (2019)

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Bias in Finance: Toward Responsible Innovation, 88 Fordham Law Review 499 (2019) (with Frank Pasquale & Jennifer Smith)­