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The Student Bar Association will give funding priority to organizations that promote activities/programming/events that tend to appeal to a broad segment of the population, enhance the academic or social aspects of the law school, and increase its prestige.


To receive funding through the budgeting process, all student organizations shall

A. Submit a budget in accordance with the timeline set out by the SGA treasurer.

B. Be a permanently chartered organization.

C. Give as much detail as possible in the request. That information includes

  1. Programs sponsored in the past fiscal year, each program’s cost, and an evaluation of the success of the program.
  2. Programs planned to be sponsored in the upcoming year, the cost of those programs, and plans regarding obtaining additional sources of funding.
  3. A description of activities that the student organization engaged in over the past year that were not funded by SBA.
  4. A demonstration that the funds were used effectively and efficiently.
  5. The number of active members of the organization, the number that generally attend events, and how the organization defines active members.
  6. All budget requests must be in accordance with all university policies and guidelines.


The funding of one student organization necessarily reduces funds available to all other student organizations. The determination is not whether an organization is a worthy organization, but rather whether providing that particular organization funding is the best use of student activity fees in comparison with all other possible recipients. The following criteria shall be examined when determining whether to fund a student organization:

A. Does the organization contribute to the academic life of the law school?

B. Does the organization contribute to the social life of the law school?

C. Are the programs/events/activities related to the law?

D. Are the programs/events/activities related to improving the lives or welfare of law students?

E. Does the organization collaborate with others in sponsoring events?

F. Are events/programs/activities open to all students? Are they open only to a segment of the student body?

G. Does the organization collect dues from its members?

H. Are dues paid to a national/regional organization?

I. Are the organization’s programs cost effective?

J. Do the organization’s activities overlap with another organization?

K. Does the organization self-generate funds?

L. Do the organization’s activities enhance the reputation of the law school?


A. At the end of the term of each Student Bar Association, the treasurer shall send notice to all chartered student organizations requiring them to attend a budget hearing.

B. Prior to the budget hearing, and in compliance with the Student Government Association’s regulations, each student organization shall submit a budget request. That request shall be as detailed as possible. Each student organization shall provide information regarding any financial accounts from which that organization draws funds.

C. At the Student Bar Association Budget Hearing, each student organization shall be prepared to respond to the issues outlined in the Student Organization Monetary Code.

D. Once all student organizations have had the opportunity to make their presentation, the SBA shall determine in executive session how to allocate funds amongst the various organizations.

E. As soon as the budgets are approved by the Student Bar Association and the Student Government Association, the amount allocated to each student organization and all student organizations collectively shall be made public.


This Code may be amended by either a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regularly meeting or a majority vote of the voting membership of the Student Bar Association.


The following text shall be provided to all student organizations prior to the spring budget request hearing.