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Emory Law offers financial support to students engaging in public interest through scholarships, grants and Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP)

NOTE: This page is being updated for the 2024 LRAP Program. Please check back on or after May 17, 2024. Thank you.

The LRAP Plan below is for 2023. Alumni who graduated in 2022 and before may begin applying on January 1, 2023. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2023. Late applications may be considered if funds are available. The LRAP Plan is reviewed annually, and this site is updated in the last quarter of each year to reflect any Plan changes and provide the application deadline for the class most recently graduated. 

Emory University School of Law Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP) Description

I. Introduction

Because of the Emory University School of Law’s (“law school”) desire to facilitate students’ ability to accept public interest jobs upon graduation, the Law School has developed a loan repayment assistance program (LRAP). The program offers financial assistance to students who choose to go into public sector employment and who have accumulated debt from law school educational loans. Specifically, the Law School will provide a loan to a qualifying graduate/applicant to help with his or her annual Law School loan payments. After completing one (1) year of Eligible Employment, the Emory LRAP loans to the graduate/applicant will be entirely forgiven.

II.Eligibility Requirements

A. Eligible Classes. This program, subject to annual review and modification, applies to Law School J.D. graduates, beginning with the class of 2004. Graduates must apply no later than 11:59 p.m. EDT on Friday, March 31, 2023, to be guaranteed eligibility for the LRAP for 2023; late applications may be considered if funds are available.

Graduates are only eligible to apply to participate in the LRAP for a period of ten (10) consecutive years beginning with and including their first year of participation, subject to the Leave of Absence exception described in Section II.G., below. Applicants who previously exhausted their years of eligibility under the old limit of five years, or who stopped applying because their income exceeded the income limitations in place in earlier plan years, will be eligible for additional years up to ten, subject to the Leave of Absence exception described in Section II.G. below.

B. Eligible Employment. 

Only graduates/applicants working in Eligible Employment will qualify for the LRAP. “Eligible Employment” is defined as follows: a full-time job for which a Juris Doctor degree is required or preferred; that qualifies as “Public Sector Work,” as defined below; and that meets the income eligibility requirements of Section II.C.

“Public Sector Work” is defined as: (1) work for an organization qualifying for tax exemption under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3) and exempt from tax under section 501(a); and/or (2) work for federal, state, or local government. For purposes of this plan, federal judicial clerkships are not considered eligible employment. The LRAP Administrator on a case-by-case basis will consider whether work undertaken outside the United States qualifies as “Public Sector Work” under the terms of the LRAP.

C. Income Eligibility. Qualifying graduates/applicants will be eligible to receive loans according to the following schedule:

  1. Applicants earning up to $65,000 per year or less will receive a loan equal to 100% of their annualized loan payments if they have enrolled in an income driven repayment plan (e.g, Income Based Repayment, Pay As You Earn, Income Contingent Repayment). Applicants who earn $65,000 per year or less who are not enrolled in an income driven repayment plan will receive 100% of their annualized loan payments as calculated using this chart. This income cap with be adjusted for geographic areas with a higher cost of living compared to Georgia, per this chart. In addition, for each consecutive year of participation after the first year, the income cap will be increased by 2.5%. For example, in year two, the income cap would be $65,000 + 2.5% = $66,625. 
  2. The annual budgetary cap for the LRAP Program is $120,000. In the event that total requests by eligible graduates for LRAP Program assistance in any one fiscal year exceed this cap, the Law School may make pro rata disbursements to all eligible graduates
  3. Spouse’s or Domestic Partner’s Income. Applicant’s filing status in his or her prior year federal tax return will be used to determine whether a spouse’s income will be included in determining income eligibility. If applicant is married and files his or her federal return jointly, then we will use either one-half of the joint income or the applicant's individual income, whichever is higher, to determine income eligibility. If applicant is married, but files separately, the individual income will be used as reflected on the federal income tax return.

For purposes of the LRAP, “income” means gross annual salary paid by applicant’s employer and includes allowances provided by an employer for living quarters and subsistence. Income, for purposes of the LRAP, also includes all income not subject to tax. Any unearned income received during LRAP participation, including, but not limited to, tax-free income from investments or trusts, inheritances or gifts, and child support payments received, must be treated as income in the year of its receipt. For purposes of LRAP, “income” is further defined in Section II.C.3.

The maximum eligible income for plan participation in 2023 is $65,000, subject to the adjustments described above.

D. Dependents Allowance. For applicants who are not on an income driven repayment plan, the graduate’s annual income will be decreased by $3,000 for each of the graduate’s qualifying dependents. Qualifying dependents will be determined using the applicant’s most recent federal income tax return.

E. Qualifying Loans. For purposes of this plan, all Law School educational loans are included in the applicant’s total debt. Qualifying loans include institutionally approved and certified Law School loans such as federal Stafford, federal Perkins, federal Graduate Plus, and private education loans administered through the Emory University Financial Aid office. Bar review loans also qualify for the LRAP. The LRAP Administrator has the discretion to determine whether other loans or debts not listed above qualify. It is an assumption of this program that an applicant’s loans are at standard rates of repayment; otherwise qualifying loans that have been accelerated will not be eligible for the LRAP. For the purposes of this plan, standard rates of repayment include the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) repayment plan, Income Based Repayment (IBR) and Income Contingent Repayment (ICR), all of which make the borrower eligible for loan forgiveness. Public service loan forgiveness is currently available directly through Pay as You Earn, and the College Cost Reduction and Access Act makes public service loan forgiveness possible for those who choose the IBR or ICR repayment plans.

F. Leave of Absence. Graduates may take one one-year leave of absence from employment for medical or other significant reason (such as maternity leave) without violating the eligibility requirement under Section II.C., or going into loan repayment under Section III. below, upon written request of, and approval by, the LRAP Administrator. During an approved leave of absence, a graduate will not be eligible for a loan or loan forgiveness under the terms of the LRAP.

G. Default. Graduates who are in default on qualifying educational loans shall not be eligible for participation/continued participation in the LRAP program.

H. Loan Forbearance/Deferral. For purposes of receiving benefits from this plan, a graduate must be making educational loan payments. A graduate cannot receive an LRAP loan unless he or she is in repayment status by, or within 30 days of, the application deadline and will remain in repayment status throughout the term of each of his or her LRAP loans. Questions about repayment status should be directed to the LRAP Administrator.

III. Loan Forgiveness and Repayment  

A. Loan Forgiveness. 

After the graduate completes one (1) year of Eligible Employment, 100% of the graduate’s Emory LRAP loan shall be forgiven.

B. Loan Repayment.

  1. A loan made to a graduate may be required to be repaid if the graduate does not remain in Eligible Employment for one (1) year (unless the graduate is on an approved leave of absence), or otherwise defaults under the terms of the LRAP loan. The loan will go into repayment on the earlier of:
    • (a) the first day of the month that falls after 60 days have elapsed from the date the graduate left Eligible Employment; or
    • (b) the date on which the graduate otherwise defaults under the terms of any LRAP loan.
  2. Interest charges will be assessed on the unforgiven portion of any LRAP loan that goes into repayment, with the interest rate set at the fixed rate of 5% per annum. In addition, the participant will follow the repayment schedule set forth by Emory University. Interest shall begin to accrue from the first day of the repayment period. The term of the LRAP loan shall be for no more than two (2) years (inclusive of any period of deferment) from the start of repayment.
  3. Notwithstanding anything contained in this LRAP Description to the contrary, the graduate certifies, by making application for the LRAP, that all information provided to Emory in connection with the LRAP is true and correct. If it is determined that a graduate has supplied, or caused another to supply, false information, the graduate shall be terminated immediately from participation/continued participation in the LRAP and all loans previously made under the LRAP to the graduate must be immediately repaid with interest. Interest, in such circumstances, will be calculated at the fixed rate of 5% per annum from the date of the first LRAP loan.
  4. Awards for 2023 will be made on the basis of payments the recipient confirms will be made in 2023. If, due to the federal student loan forbearance or otherwise, awards are received but payments are not ultimately made, the recipient will be required either to reimburse the amount not paid toward loans or have that credited against any award for 2024.

IV. Application and Loan Disbursement Procedures  

A. LRAP Application Procedures. 

Graduates applying for plan participation must submit an LRAP application and submit, or cause to be submitted, the following documents:

  1. Proof, from a qualified employer, of employment and salary (Employer Certification Form), and, as requested, job requirements.
  2. Annual salary information.
  3. A list of law school educational debts, including the lender’s name and telephone number, the date of origination, and the time that repayment begins.
  4. A copy of the graduate’s and any spouse’s or domestic partner’s complete federal income tax returns, as filed with the Internal Revenue Service, for the current and prior tax years. If you were not required to file a tax return in either of these years, you must provide an explanation; and
  5. Any clarification, verification, certification, or follow-up documents as requested by the LRAP administrator, LRAP Committee, or other University offices, from the graduate or his or her spouse or domestic partner.
Forms are available in the right sidebar of this page. Graduates must report any salary increases or changes in employment, employer-paid or non-employer-paid loan assistance, name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, or Social Security number. Income estimates and other information are subject to verification.

B. LRAP Application Deadline. 

The application deadline for the LRAP program is 11:59 p.m. on Friday, March 31, 2023; the applicant’s completed application form must be received no later than this date, in order to be considered for participation in the program. The items specified in Section IV.A., above, must be received by Emory at the time of application. Funds are disbursed to each participant in a lump sum (see Loan Disbursement Procedures in Section IV.C., below, for details).

Once a participant has been admitted to the program, it is that participant’s responsibility to re-apply each year for continued assistance. All graduates are hereby advised that LRAP terms change from year to year (see Section VIII below) and that participation under one set of terms and conditions in a particular year does not ensure that those same terms and conditions will apply to a graduate’s participation in the LRAP program in subsequent years. Each year the LRAP participant must re-submit all of the information requested in that year.

C. Loan Disbursement Procedures. The Emory University Bursar’s Office will distribute funds to the qualifying graduate. Funds will be distributed in a lump sum.

The University makes LRAP loans directly to the graduate and in no way assumes responsibility for the graduate’s primary obligation to repay the original lender. The purpose of the LRAP program, however, is to assist graduates in paying their Law School educational loans so that they may obtain employment in public interest work, and failure to use LRAP funds for Law School educational loan repayment purposes may mean that all loans previously made under the LRAP to the graduate must be immediately repaid with interest. Interest, in such circumstances, will be calculated at the fixed rate of 5% per annum from the date of the first LRAP loan.

V. Loan Repayment Assistance from Employers or Other Non-Emory Sources

All LRAP applicants must advise Emory as to whether they are receiving loan repayment assistance from their employer or any other source besides Emory. In the event that a graduate is eligible to participate in any non-Emory loan repayment assistance program, the graduate may participate in the Emory LRAP Program only under one of the options described below:

  1. the graduate certifies that the graduate is not receiving any loan repayment assistance from graduate’s employer or other source besides Emory and graduate is otherwise qualified under the terms and conditions of the LRAP Program; or
  2. the graduate certifies that the graduate is receiving loan repayment assistance from graduate’s employer or another source apart from Emory, and the amount of such loan repayment assistance, together with the graduate’s income, as defined by Section II, above, does not exceed the maximum eligible income of $65,000 for plan participation, provided that prior to the making of any LRAP loan to the graduate, Emory and the graduate’s employer or other non-Emory source of assistance verify the details of the respective amounts, terms, and conditions of loan repayment assistance to the graduate, and the graduate otherwise qualifies under the terms and conditions of the LRAP Program. The amount of EMORY LRAP assistance will be reduced by the amount of loan repayment assistance from all other sources.

Any misrepresentation by a graduate as to whether or not the graduate is receiving any loan repayment assistance from the graduate’s employer or other non-Emory source, or as to the amount of any such assistance, shall mean that all loans previously made under the LRAP to the graduate must be immediately repaid with interest. Interest, in such circumstances, will be calculated at the fixed rate of 5% per annum from the date of the first LRAP loan.

VI. Tax Information  

Graduates are strongly advised to consult with their individual tax consultants regarding the tax treatment of any loan or any other tax consequences of participation in the LRAP program. LRAP recipients should not receive a 1099 form from Emory for the LRAP award, but may receive one for any income from Emory. If the recipient receives a 1099 for LRAP, the applicant should prompty notify the LRAP administrator. 

VII. Plan Administration  

The Dean or her designee will administer the Emory LRAP. The Dean or her designee will annually review the program and suggest changes as appropriate. Emory University reserves the right, at any time and in its sole discretion, to make decisions and interpretations regarding the LRAP program, to make changes to the LRAP program, and/or to cancel the LRAP program.

All applications for participation, and any questions about this plan, should be directed to the attention of Career Center Director Emily Bramer, Loan Repayment Assistance Program, Emory University School of Law, 1301 Clifton Rd. Suite G101, Atlanta, GA 30322 ( The University Bursar’s Office is responsible for disbursement of funds.

VIII. Plan Revisions

The total amount of dollars committed to the LRAP and the program components will be reviewed annually. Emory reserves the right to make any changes in plan provisions or overall program funding in any given year.


Please note that applicants must provide a complete application as well as 2021 and 2022 (if available) federal tax returns - completed and filed.

Completed applications must be received by the law school no later than 11:50 p.m. EDT on Friday, March 31, 2023. See the Plan Description for details about submission.


Email Career Center Director Emily Bramer

Questions about LRAP